30 Minutes of Mindfulness

30 Minutes of Mindfulness

There's a lot going on at the moment, so it's easy to forget to take time for yourself. Spending just 30 minutes a day doing something calming and enjoyable can really help reduce stress levels. We're doing our best to take a little time each day (aside from work and managing daily life) for some mindful activities. Take a look at some of our favourite things to do!

Get creative with hand-written letters.

If you’ve got a little extra time on your hands, why not write someone a letter? Not just any ordinary letter... get creative and practice your stencilling. Or, work on your to do list in style!

Work up a sweat… or not!
Exercise is so important to keep your body and mind healthy. Especially at a time like this. Forget the gym, work out in your garden or in your living room (no need for a sports bra!). Get in some HIIT or something a little gentler; whatever works for you and how you feel.

Share some sweet treats.
Mary Berry has got nothing on you! There are so many easy access online recipes out there for you to try. Pick something you can prep in 30 mins and pop in the oven.

Finish that book.
We all have good intentions of getting more reading done, but often busy schedules get in the way! I like to take 30 minutes before getting up to read my bedside book; before the day really starts and life takes over, give it a try!

Get arts and craftsy.
There’s so much that can be done in this category. Colour by numbers, paint, work on a scrapbook for the printed pics in the back of the wardrobe (or is this one just me?), up-cycle an old accessory or piece of furniture that needs some TLC. The ideas are endless!

Fresh air = freedom.
Take a walk, jog, run or sprint around your local green space. Just taking 20-30 minutes to breathe in some refreshing cool air will help clear your mind for the day ahead.

Tend to those weeds.
Get in the garden! Work on that veg patch, flower box or tend to those house plants! Getting back to nature and the feeling of keeping your plant babies alive is a great project. Check out our House Plant Care Cards if you want our top tips.

Who doesn’t love a Spring clean?
A having a clear out is perfect for refocusing your space and your mind. It doesn’t have to be a chore either, get your favourite Spotify playlist on and you’ll be singing and dancing so much, you won’t even realise you’re doing housework!

Learn that ‘how to’ thing you never have time for.
How to knit, bake a cake, create that special recipe, learn Spanish, practice those yoga poses or upcycle that old chair. There’s always something we wish we had more time for, well create that 30 minutes for yourself everyday and little by little you’ll gain those skills.

Listen to a new podcast.
Podcasts are perfect for a multi-tasker! Take a walk and listen to a podcast. There are thousands of them in every imaginable genre. Check out this list of our favourites if you need some inspiration!

Yoga or meditation?
Sun Salutations or Yoga Nidra? An ancient art of relaxation and mindfulness. Whether perfecting on your downward dog or resting in child’s pose, working on your yoga practice will help refresh your mind, on and off the mat.

Dance like nobody’s watching… because they’re not.
Put on that album you haven’t listened to for ages, crank it up a little too loud and DANCE! Dance around your room, kitchen or living room. A great form of exercise and certainly a way to put a smile on your face.

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