Books about London

Best London Books to read

We've just finished designing our mammoth panoramic River Map of the London's Riverside which illustrates over 100 buildings, plotting a short history and heritage of each one. By building number 30 we did question if it was a sensible project but many months later it's made me love the city even more as I've learned so much about history of the River Thames, architecture and culture dating right back to Roman times! It's inspired me to read more about the city so I thought I'd share a list of London Inspired books to read:

London: The Biography by Peter Ackroyd
A well known writer on the history and culture of London, Ackroyds book is diverse and very thorough. I've been dipping in and out of  book which was particularly helpful in researching the history of the Southbank.

Down and Out in Paris and London by George Orwell
Depicting the unbelievably cruel everyday reality of living as a down in out in the city. Will make you view the homeless in a new light.

Londoners: The Days and Nights of London Now by Craig Taylor
Anyone living in London should be able to relate to this! Craig Taylor introduces his readers to 83 very different voices about their existence in the city. Those that Love it, Hate it, Live it, Left it and Long for it.

Best books to read about London City


A Day's Walk Around the Ginger Line by Iain Sinclair
One of the many books Sinclair has written about his playful observations whilst walking the streets of London. 

Capital by John Lanchester
This is a big, busy book looking at the cultural and racially diverse inhabitants of one street, Pepys Road.

NW by Zadie Smith
Featuring a cast of multicultural characters struggling with all manner of problems and identity crises, their lives tell the story of London as it is today.

Inspirational London Bookmark gifts

Do you have any other books about London that you love? We’d love to hear from you if you do – your favourite might even be the inspiration behind our next project.

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